Näitab busse, trollibusse ja tramme GPS-i kaudu
Näitab busse, trollibusse ja tramme GPS-i kaudu
Teenindus näitab busside, trollibusside ja trammide asukohta satelliitpositsioneerimise süsteemi GPS/GLONASS kaudu. Saate teada, kus ühistransport liigub ja otsustada, millal peatusesse minna.
algus - lõpp / header / cause / effect | description |
- runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Kossuth Lajos tér M and Szemere utca towards Gyöngyösi utca M CONSTRUCTIONDETOUR | <ul><li>Bus <strong>15</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Kossuth Lajos tér M</i> and <i>Szemere utca</i> towards Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út ► Gyöngyösi utca M.</li></ul> Buss 15 |
- stop relocation NoneNone | <p>Please note that the drop-off point of <strong>busline 100E</strong> will change: the line will stop at the arrival level. The boarding point will remain unchanged.</p> Buss 100E |
- is not accessible without barriers at Infopark TECHNICAL_PROBLEMNone | <ul><li>Tram <strong>1</strong> is not accessible without barriers at <i>Infopark</i>.</li></ul> Tramm 1 |
- stop relocation NoneNone | <p>Stop relocation!</p><br><p>Due to construction works, the service of the following lines will be modified:</p><br><ul><li><br><p><strong>Trolleybuslines 70 and 78</strong> are running on diverted routes. The <em>Kossuth Lajos M</em> stop is relocated in Báthory utca to Honvéd utca.</p><br></li></ul> Trollibuss 78Trollibuss 70 |
- runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Templom utca 6. and Tárcsás utca towards Millenniumtelep H NoneDETOUR | <ul><li>Bus <strong>135</strong>, night line <strong>966</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Templom utca 6.</i> and <i>Tárcsás utca</i> towards Millenniumtelep H.</li></ul> Buss 966Buss 135 |
- stop relocation NoneNone | <p>The Kiscelli utca stop of buslines<strong> 9, 111 </strong>and night services <strong>923</strong> and <strong>934</strong> running to Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás, Batthyány tér M+H, Dél-pesti autóbuszgarázs, and Nyugati pályaudvar M is relocated past Kiscelli utca.</p> Buss 111Buss 9Buss 934Buss 923 |
- runs less frequently between Bécsi út / Vörösvári út and Vágány utca / Róbert Károly körút TECHNICAL_PROBLEMREDUCED_SERVICE | <ul><li>Tram <strong>1</strong> runs less frequently between <i>Bécsi út / Vörösvári út</i> and <i>Vágány utca / Róbert Károly körút</i>.</li></ul> Tramm 1 |
aeg | marsruudid |