Transpordivahendi tüüp: Buss
teenindab: Beestons
Marsruut läbib: Hadleigh, Ipswich
Marsruudi pikkus: 20 km.
Aeg teel: 50 min.
Praegune aeg asulas: 4:03
vaata online
Suund 1 | Suund 2 |
0 marsruudil | 0 marsruudil |
Highlands Road
17:45 |
Bus Station (Stand B) |
Lady Lane Industrial Estate |
The George |
Washbrook Turn |
Stella Maris |
Bingo Hall |
Old Cattle Market Bus Station (Stand L) |
Old Cattle Market Bus Station (Stand L)
07:35 |
Mcdonald'S |
Stella Maris |
Washbrook Turn |
The George |
Clay Hill |
Highlands Road |
Bus Station (Stand B) |